CBD Wellness Ungüentos/Bálsamos Tópicos

Potente alivio del dolor y atención de primeros auxilios
Los productos como nuestras tinturas o cápsulas de CBD son excelentes para apoyar el bienestar general, pero si necesita apoyo en este momento, entonces los productos tópicos como nuestro ungüento y bálsamos de CBD son los productos que necesita.
Estos ungüentos son excelentes para tratar condiciones locales; los efectos apuntan al área del cuerpo en la que se aplican. Como parte superior del cuello/espalda, parte inferior de la espalda, dolores de cabeza/migrañas, músculos, tendones y articulaciones. También han sido altamente efectivos con la piel seca, la hiedra venenosa, el roble venenoso, la psoriasis, las infecciones fúngicas y bacterianas de la piel.
Disfruta haciendo todas tus actividades favoritas sin que el dolor te detenga
Summer Heat Warning!
Due to extreme Arizona heat, salves may arrive melted. This will not interfere with the effectiveness of the product. Simply leave your products at room temperature for an hour or refrigerate for 20-30 minutes prior to use.
You can always visit our location:
4140 W. Ina Rd Ste. 168 Tucson, AZ 85741

Nuestro bálsamo Original es uno de nuestros primeros productos que lanzamos en 2010 y ha ayudado a millones de personas con dolores leves a dolores crónicos más severos. Nuestra fórmula original también ha ayudado a muchas personas con enfermedades y afecciones de la piel, haciéndote sentir y lucir lo mejor posible.
Votado Mejor Tópico de CBD año tras año.

Refrigeración extrema
Los asombrosos efectos analgésicos del CBD se combinan con mentol natural para crear este poderoso analgésico. La sensación de enfriamiento extremo enfriará esas áreas inflamadas de dolor que llegan profundamente al cuerpo y que pueden atacar el dolor de los nervios.

Lavanda y eucalipto
¡Alivio del dolor y aromaterapia en el mismo frasco! Nuestro bálsamo de lavanda y eucalipto es excelente para aliviar esos dolores y molestias, pero masajear una pequeña cantidad en las sienes antes de acostarte permitirá que el aroma natural de lavanda y eucalipto te tranquilice.

¡Manténgase a cargo de su vida!
Ya sea que sea un atleta, esté comenzando una nueva rutina de ejercicios o simplemente esté tratando de mantenerse al día con los niños, ¡nuestros ungüentos y bálsamos pueden ayudarlo a aliviar su dolor para que pueda mantenerse al día en cada paso del camino!
Preguntas frecuentes: ungüentos y bálsamos
¿Qué es un ungüento (o bálsamo) tópico de CBD Wellness?
CBD Wellness formula una amplia variedad de productos tópicos de CBD únicos, efectivos y de acción rápida diseñados para una amplia gama de beneficios utilizados para la aplicación tópica.
Uno de nuestros tópicos más populares se conoce como ungüentos (también conocidos como bálsamos).
Los ungüentos tópicos orgánicos de CBD Wellness son totalmente naturales, hechos mediante la infusión de nuestro aceite rico en CBD fitocannabinoide en una combinación de aceite de coco, cera de abejas, manteca de karité, terpenos y nuestra fórmula patentada de aceites esenciales orgánicos.
¿Cuál es el uso recomendado para los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness?
Los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness se han formulado para cubrir una amplia variedad de usos, por lo que pueden recomendarse para diversas necesidades. Nuestros ungüentos de CBD están formulados para ayudar a aliviar el dolor y reducir la inflamación. Millones de personas que sufren de artritis y neuropatía han descubierto cuán increíble es realmente el alivio. Informaron que han usado innumerables productos farmacéuticos recetados, así como remedios de venta libre y nunca recibieron el alivio que obtienen cuando usan CBD Wellness. Obtener estos informes de nuestros clientes es lo que nos impulsa a hacer lo que hacemos.
Nuestros ungüentos de CBD también son increíbles para aliviar el dolor en las articulaciones (rodillas, codos, manos, pies), dolores musculares, síndrome de piernas inquietas y músculos tirados o torcidos.
Además, son fantásticos para los beneficios contra el envejecimiento, manteniendo su órgano más grande (piel) hidratado y saludable.
Por último, nuestros ungüentos tópicos tienen propiedades curativas, ayudan a curar cortes y raspaduras más rápido, minimizan las cicatrices y reducen la aparición de cicatrices y estrías.
¿Cuánto ungüento tópico de CBD Wellness debo usar?
Los ungüentos tópicos de CBD de CBD Wellness están formulados para usarse según sea necesario. Recomendamos aplicar (frotar/masajear) una cantidad de un cuarto de tamaño de ungüento de CBD en las áreas afectadas. Vuelva a aplicar a lo largo del día según sea necesario cuando desee alivio.
¿Cómo uso los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness?
Los productos de ungüento tópico de CBD Wellness deben aplicarse (frotar/masajear) directamente sobre la piel, donde sea que necesite alivio. Los tópicos deben aplicarse según sea necesario para aliviar las molestias asociadas con el dolor y la inflamación y apoyar una piel saludable.
¿Qué hacen los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness?
Los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness se absorben directamente en la piel. Pueden dirigirse al área afectada aliviando el dolor y la inflamación rápidamente, así como una amplia variedad de otros usos y beneficios positivos para la salud y el bienestar.
¿Me colocarán los ungüentos tópicos de CBD?
No, es científicamente imposible. Los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness se derivan del cáñamo PCR, que no puede provocar una experiencia psicoactiva. Además, los ungüentos tópicos no atraviesan la barrera hematoencefálica.
¿Hay algún efecto secundario por usar ungüentos tópicos de CBD?
No. No se conocen efectos secundarios por el uso de ungüentos de CBD.
¿Cuánto tardan en hacer efecto los ungüentos tópicos de CBD?
¡Los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness funcionan rápido! Por lo general, nuestros ungüentos comienzan a brindar alivio dentro de los 15 minutos posteriores a la aplicación tópica, siempre que haya aplicado lo suficiente. Entonces, si no obtiene alivio, intente aplicar un poco más que la primera vez.
Para dolores más profundos que el ungüento no pueda penetrar por completo para aliviarlos, recomendamos aplicar primero nuestros linimentos de CBD y luego aplicar el ungüento sobre ellos.
¿Cuánto duran los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness?
Por lo general, nuestros ungüentos de CBD durarán varias horas. La mayoría de los usuarios reportan un alivio después de la aplicación que dura de 4 a 8 horas. Algunas personas con problemas más graves pueden encontrar que solo se alivia durante unas pocas horas antes de tener que volver a aplicar.
¿Cuál es la vida útil de los ungüentos tópicos de CBD Wellness?
Todos nuestros productos tienen una vida útil mínima de 2 años a partir de la fecha de fabricación. Todos los productos tienen una etiqueta de lote, que tiene la fecha de vencimiento.
Guarde su ungüento de CBD en un área seca y fresca y fuera de la luz solar directa.
¿Más preguntas?
Nuestros educadores de CBD Wellness están listos para ayudar. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al (520)-429-9618 o envíenos un correo electrónico a contact@cbdwellness.com
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CBD Topicals & Salves
Relief Where You Need It Most
The human body includes a miraculous combination of systems working together to carry us through life. When you feel discomfort, aches, and pains, it’s your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. While you should take the time to investigate and recover, there’s no reason to live with pain in the meantime.
At CBD Wellness, you’ll find a range of premium, hemp-derived CBD products designed to help you manage your health and wellness needs. While we proudly offer smokable and ingestible products that deliver whole-body relief, you may need something more for target areas.
Our CBD topicals are designed to provide localized relief where applied, whether you hope to soothe irritated skin or ease muscle tension. Topicals are great for everything from aches and pains to post-workout recovery to a range of skin concerns, and CBD Wellness has the effective, natural salves and balms you prefer.
Benefits of Choosing CBD Topicals
Consumers often consider CBD salves and balms for targeted symptom relief, but you’ll enjoy a bevy of benefits when you choose topical products from CBD Wellness. First and foremost, all of our products feature the natural ingredients our customers prefer.
In addition to premium-grade CBD, our topicals include ingredients like organic beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil and natural essential oils. You’ll never find artificial chemicals, dyes, fragrances, or preservatives that could cause irritation. The result is emollient and aromatic products that effectively meet your needs.
Our topical products are kosher, vegan-friendly, and free of gluten and soy, and they’re easy to apply and soothing on the skin. We also offer dual-effect products that provide both pain relief and cooling sensations for optimal results.
With a variety of strengths to choose from, every customer will find just what they’re looking for. If you want to enjoy your favorite activities and live your best life without pain slowing you down, CBD Wellness topicals are the perfect complement to the whole-body relief of smokable or ingestible products.
Our Products
CBD Wellness proudly offers an array of natural, high-quality CBD topicals designed to provide a positive and satisfying experience for every customer. Whether you’re looking for ways to ease aches and pains, hope to soothe irritated skin, or both, our products feature premium ingredients and proven proprietary formulations that are safe and effective.
Choose from our renowned collection of salves and balms, available in a variety of strengths, to enjoy the targeted relief that perfectly suits your needs and preferences.
Original CBD Salves
Our Original CBD Salve has been delivering targeted relief and impressing customers for over a decade since it launched back in 2010.
Formulated using sustainable ingredients and proprietary extraction techniques, this luxurious salve delivers the richness and lightly aromatic appeal that will put you at ease from the moment you apply it.
Each jar contains the natural ingredients customers are clamoring for, including coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E oil, jojoba, and more, along with a range of pleasantly smelling essential oils, such as lemon and lavender.
Our original salve, available in various strengths, is an ideal option for melting away localized aches and pains and simultaneously pampering your skin.
Extreme Cooling Salves
When muscles and joints are beset by deep-seated aches or inflammation, it can be hard to participate in activities you enjoy or even keep up with the demands of daily life. With our Extreme Cooling Salve, you’ll not only enjoy targeted relief where you need it most, but you’ll benefit from a cooling sensation that enhances efficacy.
This collection of CBD topicals includes emollients like coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E oil, and jojoba, paired with soothing arnica and cooling menthol. It also includes premium CBD in various strengths, so you can choose the right product for your specific needs.
Lavender Balm
If you’re looking for an emollient product that really seals in moisture, you’re sure to love our Lavender Balm, formulated with a combination of oils and beeswax that will leave your skin soft and hydrated.
Not only will this product help ease discomfort and protect the skin barrier, but calming lavender and eucalyptus scents deliver aromatherapy perfect for diminishing daytime stresses or promoting nighttime relaxation.
Imbued with new mgs of premium CBD, this balm offers the perfect opportunity to soothe sore muscles and irritated skin alike, all while delivering the tranquil and rejuvenating aromas of natural essential oils.
Complementary Products
At CBD Wellness, we take a holistic approach to providing the premium health and wellness products every customer deserves. In addition to CBD salves and balms, we offer a range of other topical and consumable products, from bath and beauty items to smokable hemp to tinctures, gummies, and more.
Whether you’re interested in whole-body relief or targeted effects, we have everything you need to support your personal wellness goals.
Other Topical Products
If you already use our salves and balms, you’re sure to enjoy other CBD topicals, including liniments, bath bombs, and beauty products.
Our liniment sprays are the fast, easy way to enjoy powerful relief, with both original and menthol formulations available in strengths of new mgs. For on-the-go application, there’s no better solution than a convenient liniment spray.
If you’re looking for a natural way to soothe aches and skin irritations, CBD Wellness full-spectrum bath bombs in lavender or eucalyptus offer the opportunity to pamper yourself and enjoy deep relaxation. Let your troubles melt away as you luxuriate in warm waters enhanced by natural plant oils and premium CBD.
Don’t forget to show your face some love with CBD-infused serum and night cream. These beauty staples are designed to hydrate and improve skin quality, with natural ingredients suited to sensitive skin. Our unscented lotion is perfect for saturating every inch of skin with lasting hydration.
Smokable CBD
If you’re looking for fast, whole-body relief, inhaled products like hemp flower and vape products are the ideal choice. CBD Wellness offers several strains of hemp flower, which is naturally high in CBD but contains 0.3% or less THC, in keeping with standards set forth in the 2018 Farm Bill.
Our flower is 100% organically grown in the U.S., and we’re pleased to offer the high-grade medical cannabis our customers prefer. You’ll never find chemicals, additives, or synthetic components in our products, and our flower is cultivated with sustainability in mind.
If you want on-the-go convenience, vape cartridges featuring premium CBD oil and natural terpenes deliver your preferred consumption experience. You’re sure to love delectable flavors like birthday cake, strawberry lemonade, and more.
When used in concert with CBD salves and balms, these products help you to address your every wellness need.
Ingestible CBD
For a discreet and easy means of achieving whole-body relief, you’ll want to consider products that can be ingested, including tinctures, capsules, and gummies.
Both capsules and gummies are a good bet for those new to the world of CBD, as they offer preset serving sizes that make it easy to start small and scale up to desired results. Gummies also come in tasty fruit flavors of assorted bears and more.
For more seasoned CBD customers, tinctures allow for greater control over serving sizes, and drops can be taken sublingually or added to beverages for appealing consumption. With pleasant flavors like lemon and peppermint and a range of strengths, our selection of ingestible products offers something for everyone.
Whether you’re just starting to explore the benefits of CBD or you’re a long-time fan, you may have questions about the logistics of including topicals as part of your daily routine. Here are a few FAQs to help you make informed decisions about your health and wellness regimen.
What Is a CBD Topical?
Topical products include salves, balms, lotions, serums, and more designed to be applied directly to the skin. All-natural CBD topicals from CBD Wellness are formulated to deliver localized, fast-acting relief from aches, pains, and skin irritation with premium hemp CBD and natural emollients like coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils.
Who Should Use CBD Topicals?
Among the most popular reasons consumers choose CBD topicals is symptom relief associated with aches, pains, and inflammation.
Whether you’re athletic, lead an active life, or are dealing with chronic discomfort, applying topical products can deliver the targeted relief you seek and enhance the effects of inhaled or ingested CBD products. CBD salves and balms can also help to soothe and hydrate irritated skin.
How Do I Use CBD Topicals?
Salves and balms are designed to be applied directly on the skin in areas where you need relief. We recommend that you rub or massage a quarter-size amount of CBD Wellness topicals on affected areas 1-4 times a day, washing your hands after each use.
These products are designed to be used as needed and may be reapplied throughout the day.
How Do CBD Salves Work?
CBD topicals penetrate the skin to provide desired relief for sore or inflamed muscles and joints in the areas where applied. They also help hydrate and soothe irritated skin.
Will I Get High from CBD Topicals?
The beauty of choosing hemp CBD salves and other products is that you never have to worry about psychoactive effects like feeling high. These products contain 0.3% or less THC, the cannabinoid responsible for psychoactive effects, so you still enjoy the benefits of full-spectrum products but without intoxication.
In addition, topicals do not permeate the blood-brain barrier to directly affect your mental state.
Are There Any Side Effects Associated with CBD Salves?
CBD products are generally considered safe, and any potential side effects are mild and temporary. CBD topicals feature no known side effects, but it’s always best to use products as directed.
How Long Does It Take for Topical Products to Work?
When using CBD salves and balms, you can generally expect the onset of relief within about 15 minutes of application. If you don’t feel relief, it’s possible you didn’t apply enough product, in which case you may reapply more liberally. Pairing salves and balms with other products like liniments will improve outcomes.
How Long Do Effects Last?
CBD Wellness topicals are designed to deliver fast-acting and long-lasting relief. Our customers report feelings of relief lasting anywhere from about 4-8 hours after application, although results will vary by user. When the effects fade, you may reapply the product for continued relief.
Do CBD Topicals Expire?
All CBD Wellness salves and tinctures are sold with a batch sticker that includes the expiration date. You can anticipate a minimum shelf life of two years, provided you store products in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.
More Questions?
If you have any questions concerning our CBD salves, balms, or other products you don’t see answered here, our dedicated team is happy to help. Call or text any queries to 520-429-9618 or email us at contact@cbdwellness.com.
Why Choose CBD Wellness
CBD Wellness is a fully-integrated operation dedicated to overseeing every step of the process that brings our natural, high-quality CBD products to the marketplace. We pride ourselves on sustainable cultivation practices, proprietary extraction techniques and product formulations, and testing to ensure safety and efficacy.
With an eye toward full transparency, we provide certificates of analysis for your peace of mind so you always know what you’re getting.
Every aspect of our operations follows our core values of delivering premium products, competitive pricing, and the highest level of customer care. Supporting your well-being is our top priority, which is why we go above and beyond to deliver the quality products you crave, including a range of safe and effective CBD topicals.
No matter what life throws your way, you deserve to live with vitality. CBD topicals from CBD Wellness allow you to thrive with relief that puts you in control of your own health and wellness. Contact us today to learn more about our premium CBD products and how they can benefit you.
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